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Museums, Archives and Research Institutions
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Researchers (Brief Bios, Interviews and Obituaries )

Museums, Archives and Research Institutions

(* entry added thanks to list by Janusz Z. Wołoszyn's 'Enemy - Stranger - Neighbor' (2021:163-166))

Archivos Estatales (Sevilla, Spain)
Guidance to organization and research of Spanish and Latin American documents.
Visit: Archivos

American Alliance of Museums' Museum Connect: Building Global Communities (Arlington, Virginia, USA)
program strengthens connections and cultural understanding between people in the United States and abroad through innovative projects facilitated by museums and executed by their communities. The program’s mission is to build global communities through cross-cultural exchanges while also supporting U.S. foreign policy goals, such as youth empowerment, environmental sustainability and disability rights awareness. Awards are offered on an annual basis (contingent on funding) in amounts between $50,000 and $100,000 and require a 50% cost-share match of direct or indirect expenses. Projects must be mutually beneficial, address critical issues and themes, and include community and museum staff travel between participating countries.
Visit: website

American Museum of Natural History (New York City, USA)
Limit Collection Area to 'SOUTH AMERICA' and Collection Type to "ARCHAEOLOGICAL, then search.
Visit: online collections

Art Institute of Chicago (Illinois, USA)
Explore thousands of artworks in the museum’s collection—from our renowned icons to lesser-known works from every corner of the globe—as well as our books, writings, reference materials, and other resources.
Visit: Collection

Birmingham Museum of Art (Alabama, USA)*
Slightly over 500 objects in 'Pre-Columbian' collection and very few have images.
Visit: collection

British Museum (London, England)
online digitized database includes a substantial number of Andean objects. The advanced search engine is quite complex. Recommend basic search option. The results can be sorted by images only. Once an image is selected the viewing page has a very useful feature of linking to "all objects" with terms on that page. Each image has a link to a larger image and some of detailed images. Another nice feature is the availability to order "free" images for print publications. There is also a link to send them corrections: "Noticed a mistake?" The conservation notes can be quite explicit. And, they ask for donations to help pay for conservation labor and materials.
Visit: basic search

Brooklyn Museum (New York City, USA)
We’re continually expanding the number of works included here and making sure the information about each object is as up-to-date as possible. If you have information we should know about in connection with any of the objects you see, we would be happy to hear from you.
Visit: Collections

Carlos Museum: Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University (Oxford, Georgia)
Set in the heart of Emory’s Atlanta campus, the Michael C. Carlos Museum is a dynamic, interdisciplinary center for the study of art and culture, with collections from Africa; ancient Egypt, Nubia, and the Near East; ancient Greece and Rome; the Indigenous Americas; and South Asia; as well as American and European Works on Paper. Emory University’s collections date back to 1876 when a museum was formed on the original campus in Oxford, Georgia.
Visit: Collections

Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University (California, USA)
The collections database allows you to search the permanent collection of more than 40,000 works of art. [Use keyword: Peru] The Center's online database aims to provide users with direct access to information from our collection records. As an ongoing project, curatorial, collections management, and project staff add new records and images to the database on a regular basis. Much of the information in the database has come directly from historic documents and may not have been vetted by current museum staff. Therefore, the information provided herein needs to be read with care. Users can search the entire collection or browse art works currently on view or a pre-selected from the Center's main collection areas. Search results can be displayed in various views with different levels of complexity and printed or saved as PDF files.
Visit: http://cantorcollections.stanford.edu

Centro Cultural de San Marcos (Lima, Perú)
busca identificar la actividad artística de la Universidad con la investigación y la creación cultural más exigente. También la más compleja y diversa: al asumir un lugar protagónico en la recuperación del Centro Histórico de Lima, el CCSM ofrece no sólo el principal proceso de restauraciones en toda la ciudad, sino también un complejo y audaz proyecto cultural.
Visit: http://ccsm-unmsm.edu.pe/

Centre de recherches archéologiques du pays de Rennes (Dainville, France)
es una institución de investigación y difusión arqueológica, en consecuencia estos son las dos prinicipales lineas de acción que este colectivo interdisciplinario se plantea desarrollar, teniendo como objeto de estudio los temas relacionados con la arqueología latinoamericana en general, y del altiplano del Titikaka en particular.
Visit: http://cerapar.free.fr/go.php

Christopher B. Donnan and Donna McClelland Moche Archive
Dumbarton Oaks is pleased to announce the donation of a major new scholarly archive of Pre-Columbian art, the Christopher B. Donnan and Donna McClelland Moche Archive. The Moche Archive was created by Professor Christopher B. Donnan over the course of nearly five decades, assembling materials that document the art and iconography of the Moche, an ancient South American people who inhabited river valleys in the arid coastal plain of northern Peru (ca. 100–ca. 850 CE).
Contact: icfa@doaks.org .
Visit: announcement

Cleveland Museum of Art (Ohio, USA)
Their mission is to fulfill the dual roles as one of the world's most distinguished comprehensive art museums and as one of the northeastern Ohio's principal civic and cultural institutions. The following links directly to the 'Arts of the Americas' collection.
Visit: http://www.clevelandart.org/

Dallas Museum of Art (Texas, USA)
The DMA will:
Place art and our diverse communities at the center around which all activities radiate.
Pursue excellence in collecting and programming, present works of art across cultures and time, and be a driving force in contemporary art.
Strengthen our position as a prominent, innovative institution, expanding the meaning and possibilities of learning and creativity.
Visit: Collection

Denver Art Museum (Colorado, USA)
The New World Department of the Denver Art Museum offers a unified presentation of the arts of Latin America. The collection encompasses two major areas: indigenous Pre-Columbian traditions predating the arrival of Europeans, and artwork of the Spanish Colonial era. Over 5,000 objects from these collections are displayed in The Jan and Frederick Mayer Galleries of Pre-Columbian and Spanish Colonial Art. Included are pre-Columbian masterworks of ceramic, stone, gold, and jade, as well as paintings, sculpture, furniture, and silver from the Spanish Colonial Period. These two collections are remarkable for both aesthetic quality and cultural significance. Internationally, the Denver Art Museum is unparalleled in its comprehensive representation of the major stylistic movements from all the geographic areas and cultures of Latin America.
Visit: http://www.denverartmuseum.org/home

Detroit Institute of Arts (Michigan, USA) *
NOT responding to searches: November 2022.
Visit: Collections

Deutsche Archäologische Institut (Berlin, Germany)
The staff at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut is carrying out research in archaeology and in related fields both in Germany but most especially in foreign countries. The Institute organizes academic congresses, colloquia and tours, and informs the public about its work. Most of this site is in German.
Visit: http://www.dainst.org/dai/meldungen

De Young Museum SEE Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (California, USA)

Dumbarton Oaks (Washington, D.C., USA)
Precolombian collection available for research through various fellowship opportunities.
Visit: http://www.doaks.org/research

Ethnohistorical list 2015
As all of you know, Dan Sandweiss' Andean list has been a platform to share information about issues related to Andean archaeology, in United States as well as abroad. So, I am working on a "well-intentioned plagiarism" of it, but reoriented to prehispanic, colonial, republican (S. XIX) and contemporary Ethnohistoric Studies. The "Ethnohistorical list" will be centered in the Southern Andes and will include academics and students from different areas, such as archaeology, anthropology, history, linguistics, literature, philology and arts. The idea is to bridge the gap not just between North and South American academics and students, but also between other South American and Chilean (where I came from) scholars, and encourage dialogue between disciplines. So, if you are interested in sharing information about congresses, seminars, lectures or academic meetings please send me your name and e-mail and I will include you in the list. The messages can be written in English or Spanish. If messages are in both, better.
Como todos ustedes saben, la Andean list de Dan Sandweiss ha sido una excelente plataforma para compartir información acerca de temas vinculados a la arqueología andina, tanto en los Estados Unidos como en el extranjero. En consecuencia, pretendo llevar a cabo un "plagio bien intencionado" de esta, pero reorientado a los Estudios Etnohistóricos prehispánicos, coloniales, republicanos (S. XIX) y contemporáneos. La "Lista etnohistórica" se centrará en los Andes meridionales e incluirá académicos y estudiantes de diferentes áreas, como la arqueología, la antropología, la historia, la lingüística, la literatura, la filología y las artes. La idea es acercar a estudiantes y académicos no solo de Norteamérica y Sudamérica, sino también a investigadores de Sudamérica y Chile (de donde soy), fomentando el diálogo entre disciplinas. Por lo tanto, si estás interesada o interesado en compartir información sobre congresos, seminarios, conferencias o reuniones académicas, puedes enviarme tu mail y te incorporaré a la lista. Los mensajes pueden ser escritos en inglés o español. Si se encuentran en ambos, mejor.
Contact: Soledad González Díaz .

Ethnologisches Museum, Museen Dahlem, Germany [Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany]
With a total of 500,000 objects from throughout the world and large numbers of sound recordings, documentary photographs and films, the Museum of Ethnology ranks among the largest and best of its kind.
Visit: http://www.smb.museum/em
Visit: http://www.smb-digital.de/eMuseumPlus

Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
Very exhaustive cataloguing of the museum's collection to the extent that every ceramic fragment of a vessel has its own entry. Thus, a search for 'Nasca' results in over 2000 entries, though more than half are referencing only one object or groupings of sherds. The indexing is highly appreciated for its detailed choices in order to filter and refine a search. Another feature is a basic search that can then be refined with the 'Country' filter that indicates how many results are available for each country.
Visit: Anthropological collection

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (California, USA) *
Comprising the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park and the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park, we are the largest public arts institution in the City of San Francisco and one of the largest art museums in the United States.
Visit: Collections

Fowler Museum at University of California at Los Angeles (California, USA) *
The best representations of arts of the ancient Americas are from West Mexico, the Valley of Mexico, and Peru (with special strengths in the art of the Moche). Many of these objects come from the looting of archaeological sites, though there are major collections of materials from officially sanctioned excavations in North America.
Visit: collections

Gardiner Museum (Toronto, Canada)
A designated 'Andean' collection with close to 100 objects.
Visit: collections

George Washington University Museum: The Textile Museum (Washington, D.C., USA)
Textiles created by South, Central and North American Indigenous groups make up nearly half of The Textile Museum Collection. Among the most notable are eighth- and ninth-century Peruvian tunics and fragments from the Wari Empire, as well as late pre-Hispanic styles from Peru’s north (Chimu), central (Chancay) and south (Ica) coasts. Also represented are 20th-century weavings from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia that continue pre-Hispanic traditions. From Central America, we have textiles from over 50 villages in Guatemala, and a large collection of molas by the Kuna people of Panama. Our small collection from North America includes sarapes, rebozos and village costumes from Mexico, as well as textiles representing Navajo, Pueblo and Tlingit traditions.
Visit: Indigenous American Textiles

Google Art Project
Several museums of interest to Andeanist have joined this project to create virtual museum collections. The 'person' icon allows a virtual walk through any museum, such as the Getty. Most members provide access to fine arts collections.
Visit: Google Art Project members
Visit: MALI, Museo De Arte De Lima
Visit: Museo Del Oro, Bogotá, Colombia
Part of a larger endeavor by Google and its 'Cultural Institute'
Visit: http://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/

Harvard Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
Collections Online provides access to approximately 700,000 object records and over 600,000 associated digital media records. Users can perform a quick search, an advanced search, or browse preselected groups from the Projects and Collections Home page of objects currently exhibited. Users can also create their own accounts that allow them to 'Favorite', manage and store object records for future access and sharing. Please view the About & Rights & Reproduction pages for more information.
Visit: Collections

Harvard University Expedition and Discoveries
Harvard University Library provides online access to documents and photographs of various Harvard University projects, including: The Hassler Expedition to South America, 1871-1972; The Peabody Museum South America Expedition of 1906-1908 (a.k.a. The Farabee Expedition); The Harvard College Observatory Expedition, Bodyden Station, Arequipa, Peru, 1889-1927; etc.
Visit: http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/expeditions/

Hearst Museum / Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology (Berkeley, California, USA)
The Hearst Museum cares for a vast and diverse collection. Enter a few interesting words for places, dates, people, or things in the search box above; select one of the facets on the left to refine your search; or choose a featured collection on the right.
Visit: collections

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire, USA) *
This collection comprises objects from a range of early cultures as well as colonial art, material culture, and works by modern and contemporary artists.
Visit: collection

Huacas del Sol y de la Luna (Trujillo, Perú)
Overseen by the Pyramids of the Moche Valley Board this institution is a nonprofit, apolitical, private civil association, which manages domestic and foreign private funds to promote and implement activities to defend, protect and conserve the archaeological heritage of the Moche Valley, located in the province of Trujillo (Peru). It is also an entity that formulates and implements projects that promote the development of tourism in the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon and in the Moche countryside within the policy guidelines for tourism development in the region. These projects involve the community surrounding the Huaca de la Luna, to involve it in the development of tourism and generate profits that contribute to improving their quality of life.
Visit: http://www.huacasdemoche.pe/index.php
For more information: Boletíns

Ibero-American Institute, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (Berlin, Germany)
is a non-university research center for interdisciplinary scientific and cultural exchange that houses Europe’s largest library specialized in Ibero-American culture focused on Latin America, Spain and Portugal..
Visit: http://www.iai.spk-berlin.de/en/home.html

Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley, California
non-profit organization founded by Dr.John H. Rowe in 1960; holds annual meetings on UC-Berkeley campus in early January for two day presentation of scholarly papers; publishes journal, Ñawpa Pacha.
Visit: http://www.instituteofandeanstudies.org/

Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas y Museo Arqueológico - Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Cochabamba, Bolivia)
El Museo realiza trabajos de gestión mancomunada con los actores locales de las zonas en las que trabaja y además, brinda atención al público en general, estudiantes y turistas, con guias especialzados y multilingües. Cuenta con tres salas de Exposición permanente: Paleontológica, Arqueológica y Etnográfica. Periódicamente presenta exposiciones temporales sobre diversas temáticas.
Visit: colecciones
Visit: colecciones

Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos
un centro que acoge investigadores franceses, europeos en general y andinos. Sus acciones de cooperación abarcan cuatro países: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú (Sede principal). Institución pluridisciplinaria, su vocación es la de contribuir al desarrollo y a la difusión de los conocimientos científicos sobre las sociedades y los medios andinos.
Visit: https://www.ifea.org.pe

Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University (Ithaca, New York, USA) *
Can limit by images only with almost 600 objects. Continuous scrolling of results. After viewing a specific object, return does not begin where choice was made. Impressive Ecuadorian collection.
Visit: collection

Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavillion, University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Acknowledged strengths of Krannert permanent collection of 8,000 objects include The Olsen Collection of pre-Columbian Art (at this Web site, click on the collections link and scroll down to 'America Pre-Columbia').
Visit: http://www.kam.uiuc.edu/

Kulturerbe Niedersachsen (Cultural Heritage of Lower Saxony) - Landesmuseum (Hannover, Germany) *
Search indexing is very general such as 'Peru, Amerika (Süd)' with a filter of 'Völkerkunde' results in archaeological as well as all objects from Peru in the collection (thousands). Photography is not high definition so enlargements are disappointing.
Visit: collections already filtered (>3000)

Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
is the largest professional Association in the world for individuals and institutions engaged in the study of Latin America. With over 7,000 members, forty-five percent of whom reside outside the United States, LASA is the one Association that brings together experts on Latin America from all disciplines and diverse occupational endeavors, across the globe.
Visit: LASA Home

Libreria Hawansuyo (online bookstore) (Fredy Roncalla, owner, West Nyack, New York, USA)
Newly opened #Libreriahawansuyo offers Peruvian books and magazines on literature, linguistics and culture focused (but not exclusively) on Quechua and indigenous poetics. Hard to find publications and new books available for the academic community and the general reader.
Contact: Fredy Amilcar Roncalla .
Visit: Catalog
Visit: website

Logan Museum of Anthropology, Beloit College (Wisconsin, USA) *
Start with a basic search word and various index filters provide the number of objects by those filter categories.
Visit: collections

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (California, USA)
Located on the Pacific Rim, LACMA is the largest art museum in the western United States, with a collection of nearly 149,000 objects that illuminate 6,000 years of artistic expression across the globe. Committed to showcasing a multitude of art histories, LACMA exhibits and interprets works of art from new and unexpected points of view that are informed by the region’s rich cultural heritage and diverse population. LACMA’s spirit of experimentation is reflected in its work with artists, technologists, and thought leaders as well as in its regional, national, and global partnerships to share collections and programs, create pioneering initiatives, and engage new audiences.
Visit: collections

Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City, USA)
Permanent collections of art from Africa, Oceania and the Americas available for online searching.
Visit: Search Collections

Mead Art Museum, Amherst College (Massachusetts, USA) *
This searchable database contains information about catalogued objects from the collections of seven museums in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts: the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College, Hampshire College Art Gallery, Historic Deerfield, Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, Joseph Allen Skinner Museum of Mount Holyoke College, the Smith College Museum of Art, and the University Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. This is a working database and is constantly being updated as new information becomes available.
Visit: collections (five colleges and historic Deerfield Museum Consortium)

Ministerio de Cultura (Lima, Perú)
es el organismo rector en materia de cultura y ejerce competencia, exclusiva y excluyente, respecto de otros niveles de gestión en todo el territorio nacional. Fue creado mediante Ley Nº 29565, suscrita por el Presidente de la República, Dr. Alan García Pérez del 21 de julio de 2010.
Visit: http://www.mcultura.gob.pe/

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Quebec, Canada) *
The search box is not obvious. Scroll down the page about half way. Results appear as search word is typed in.
Visit: Collection search

MundoSur - Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas (Cusco, Perú) *
Includes many services and instructional departments such as Escuela Andina de Postgrado. Cusco, Peru.
Visit: http://www.cbc.org.pe/

Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (Switzerland)
More than 1,000 objects, admirable messengers of the world's cultures, have been carefully selected from the 74,000 that make up the MEG collections to be included in the permanent exhibition.
Easy navigation and searching. Descriptions written in white over the images is not helpful. Multiple high definition photos though on the dark side.
Visit: Collections - Americas (>12,000)

Musee de l'Homme (Paris, France) [SEE: Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac]
The vast majority of its collection was transferred to the Quai Branly museum.
Visit: http://www.museedelhomme.fr

Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac (Paris, France) *
Search results appear as framed images that continuously scroll on one page. As search term is typed a menu of all possible links appears. Thus 'Moch' will show 'Moche' and 'Mochica'. 'Tiahuanaco' results in images of the Mission Scientific française (1903), early site images as well as 'Epoque Tiahuanaco Epigonal' that includes Middle Horizon Wari examples. Filtering to 'Works' focuses results more on site and artifact images. Filter 'With images' speeds loading.
Visit: Explore the Collections

Museo Amano (Lima, Perú)
muestra más de 600 piezas textiles de la colección Amano, que incluyen materiales Chavín, Karwa, Paracas, Nasca, Mochica, Wari, Lambayeque, Chimú, Chuquibamba e inca, además de una de las colecciones más completas de telas de la cultura Chancay, como gasas, reticulados, doble telas, piezas listadas y tapices. Todo esto acompañado de modernos apoyos museográficos como paneles y videos.
Visit: http://www.museoamano.org

Museo Arqueológico de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia)
cuenta actualmente con aproximadamente 40.000 piezas arqueológicas, etnográficas y paleontológicas, clasificadas e inventariadas en su mayoría procedentes del Departamento de Cochabamba y otras regiones de Bolivia.
Visit: http://www.museo.umss.edu.bo/

Museo Arqueológico de Saipina - Manuel María Caballero; Samaipata - Florida; Vallegrande; Regional de Santa Cruz (Bolivia)
A Bolivian Tourism site that lists several small museums that do not have websites, yet.
Visit: Santa Cruz museos

Museo Arqueológico San Miguel de Azapa (Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica (UTA), Chile)
From the Departamento de Arqueología y Museología, Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile.
Visit: https://museouta.cl/

Museo Casa del Alabado (Quito, Ecuador)
opened in April 2010 and houses around 5500 prehispanic artefacts. The entire collection is online and will be extremely useful for researchers and colleagues who are interested in the archaeology of Ecuador.
Visit: http://alabado.org/

Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino (Santiago, Chile)
Desde su estratégica ubicación, en el centro de la urbe de Santiago, el Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino pretende ser una ventana hacia el mundo precolombino e indígena americano, poniendo especial énfasis en la infinidad de manifestaciones artísticas y plásticas que en él se pueden encontrar.
Visit: http://www.precolombino.cl/

Museo Contisuyo (Moquegua, Perú)
Bringing over 12,000 years of Southern Peru's prehistory to light. (last updated 2004)
Visit: http://www.museocontisuyo.com

Museo de América (Madrid, Spain)
El catálogo en línea del Museo de América permite el acceso a más de 17.438 registros y un total de 30.071 imágenes. De esta manera, se puede acceder a la consulta del 75% de los fondos museográficos de la institución, la mayoría de ellos no expuestos, un porcentaje que se irá incrementando con sucesivas publicaciones.
Visit: search collection

Museo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña (Museum of High Altitude Archaeology) (Salta, Argentina)
El Museo de Arqueología de Alta Montaña presenta colecciones referidas al patrimonio arqueológico asociado a las ceremonias realizadas en las altas cumbres de los Andes. Desde su inauguración en el año 2004, la misión primordial del museo está orientada a crear un espacio para la conservación, investigación y difusión de los contextos culturales del mundo prehispánico de gran trascendencia histórica. Su colección principal presenta el patrimonio arqueológico descubierto en el año 1999 en la cima del volcán Llullaillaco, Salta, Argentina. En ese lugar sagrado, hace más de quinientos años, fueron entregados a los dioses en el contexto de la ceremonia incaica Capacocha, la vida de tres niños y un conjunto de ofrendas confeccionadas en miniatura que poseían un carácter simbólico.
Visit: colecciones, exposiciones, crioconservación
Visit: Difusion Videos

Museo de Arqueología y Antropología de San Marcos, UNMSM (Lima, Peru)
viene preparando este año la publicación de varios números de la revista Arqueología y Sociedad fundada hace cuarenta años; así como la publicación de la edición digital de los primeros veinte números de esta revista. De la misma forma tenemos un Blog y una página Facebook ‘Amigos del Museo de Arqueología de San Marcos’. También haremos la publicación pronta de las charlas magistrales de La Cátedra Tello y la organización de una nueva para octubre; la publicación por lo menos de dos números de la serie Cuaderno de Investigaciones del Archivo Tello. Así como la creación de nuevos Talleres y la novísima Serie de Manuales del Museo de Arqueología de San Marcos que la iniciaremos con un manual sobre intervenciones profesionales en el campo, o de excavaciones para los neófitos. Asimismo, nos encontramos actualmente abocados a la preparación de la Exposición Permanente del Museo sobre los Orígenes del Perú Antiguo con los últimos datos, así como de diversas temporales.
Visit: museo

Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI) (Perú)
En 1955 el Patronato de las Artes inició la colección permanente del Museo de Arte de Lima con la adquisición en París del conjunto más completo de obras del pintor peruano Carlos Baca-Flor. Al inaugurarse las salas permanentes –el 10 de marzo de 1961–, el presidente Manuel Prado, en nombre de las familias Prado y Peña Prado, entregó al Patronato la valiosa colección formada a inicios de siglo por el destacado intelectual Javier Prado Ugarteche. Este legado, conocido como la Memoria Prado, permitió al patronato imaginar la posibilidad de formar un gran panorama del arte en el Perú a través de los siglos y continúa formando hasta hoy el corazón de las colecciones del museo. A partir de entonces, a través de una activa política de adquisiciones y de donaciones, el MALI se ha constituido en la primera pinacoteca del país y en el más completo acervo de la creación artística en el Perú.
Visit: Colección

Museo de Pachacamac, (Lima, Perú)
El Museo de Sitio fue creado el 17 de Julio de 1962, mediante R. S. N. 192, teniendo como objetivo, guardar y exhibir los objetos arqueológicos de esa zona. Se inaugurá oficialmente el 21 de Noviembre de 1965, teniendo como Director al Dr. Arturo Jimenez Borja.
Visit: museo
Visit: Catalogo en Linea

Museo de Sitio de Ancón (Lima, Perú)
Beginning in 2009 the Museo began renovation and has constructed two new exhibition halls and educational programs for the local community. With their new website they have also provided a virtual catalog of their collections, with an exceptional osteological display and the beginning of a new project to digitize Julio Tello's field notes.
Visit: http://www.museodeancon.com/
Further background on Ancón and the museum is presented in this excellent article by Mariana Mould de Pease and video by her and Eder Loayza.
Visit: Ancón y el desarrollo con identidad
video on Facebook

Museo de Sitio Puruchuco: Arturo Jiménez Borja (Puruchuco, Lima, Perú)
En la futura, habria una sala principal o permanente del museo a exhibir y resaltar las characteréticas de Puruchuco: así como brindar al visitante la posibilidad de familiarizarse con su proceso cultural en el marco de una adecuada contextualización histórica.
Visit: http://museopuruchuco.perucultural.org.pe/

Museo del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - Museo Central (MUCEN) (Lima, Perú) *
Wealth of information. Simply scrolling through the hundreds of images in order shows how many duplications there are of objects such as Moche vessels. Could use labels below images that only appear with holding mouse arrow over image. Multiple high definition photos of each object.
Visit: Perú Precolombino coleciones

Museo del Oro del Banco de la República de Colombia (Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia)
La orfebrería prehispánica de Colombia
Visit: http://www.banrepcultural.org/museo-del-oro

Museo Arqueológico "Antonini" (Nasca, Perú)
The museum houses the archaeological patrimony from the research by the scholars of the Progetto Nasca, in the ceremonial centre of Cahuachi and other main sites of the Rio Nasca Valley, since 1982.
Visit: http://digilander.iol.it/MDAntonini/English.htm

Museo - Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas y Museo Arqueológico - Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Cochabamba, Bolivia)
El Museo realiza trabajos de gestión mancomunada con los actores locales de las zonas en las que trabaja y además, brinda atención al público en general, estudiantes y turistas, con guias especialzados y multilingües. Cuenta con tres salas de Exposición permanente: Paleontológica, Arqueológica y Etnográfica. Periódicamente presenta exposiciones temporales sobre diversas temáticas.
Visit: colecciones

Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche (Faenza, Italy) *
No online catalogue for searching, but a virtual tour allows some access.
Visit: Virtual tour

Museo Larco (Lima, Perú)
The Rafael Larco Herrera Museum is by express desire of his founder (Rafael Larco Hoyle) a non-profit, private institution.
Visit: Catálogo en Línea

Museo Leymebamba (Chachapoyas, Perú)
Inaugurated in June 2000, the Museo Leymebamba displays the more than 200 mummies and their burial offerings recovered in 1997 from the Laguna de los Cóndores by a salvage Project directed by Centro Mallqui.
Visit: http://museoleymebamba.org/

Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú (Pueblo Libre, Lima, Perú)
El Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú (MNAAHP) es el primer museo del Perú; el más grande, antiguo y representativo de nuestro país. Fue el único que tuvo el Perú en los primeros cien años de la República.
Su importancia radica en el valioso patrimonio cultural que custodia en sus depósitos y repositorios, que alberga aproximadamente 300,000 piezas que conforman el legado de nuestro pasado prehispánico, colonial y republicano.
Visit: inicio

Museo Nacional Sicán (Ferreñafe, Perú)
comunicar la misión, objetivos y actividades que realiza el museo, asi como brindar información sobre su contenido y servicios. An expertly and beautifully designed website with virtual reality at its best.
Visit: http://sican.perucultural.org.pe/index.htm

Museo Raimondi (Lima, Perú)
:YouTube Videos
Visit: Antonio Raimondi y el jardín botánico de Brera de Milán
Visit: Antonio Raimondi y el descubrimiento del lanzón de Chavín
Visit: Estela Raimondi, piedra fundacional del Perú
Visit: La exposición de Antonio Raimondi en el Museo de las Culturas - MUDEC de la ciudad de Milán, Italia

Museo Regional Arqueologico de Tiwanaku (Tiahuanacu, Bolivia)
Construído en 1993, el Museo Regional de la Cultura de Tiwanaku, localizado en la provincia Ingavi de La Paz, reaparece hoy adecuadamente remodelado, para albergar alrededor de 3.500 piezas arqueológicas recuperadas a traves de excavaciones emprendidas desde 1990 por especialistas de la Dirección Nacional de Arqueología y Antropología.
Visit: http://www.bolivianet.com/tiwanacu/index.htm

Museo Textil Amano (Lima, Perú)
El Museo Textil Amano, muestra más de 600 piezas textiles de la colección Amano, que incluyen materiales Chavín, Karwa, Paracas, Nasca, Mochica, Wari, Lambayeque, Chimú, Chuquibamba e inca, además de una de las colecciones más completas de telas de la cultura Chancay, como gasas, reticulados, doble telas, piezas listadas y tapices. Todo esto acompañado de modernos apoyos museográficos como paneles y videos.
Es la firme intención de la familia Amano, a pesar de la delicada situación económica por la que pasa el museo, continuar su labor de protección e investigación del patrimonio textil; conservando la memoria y deseos del Fundador de este importante museo en suelo Peruano. Se extiende la invitación a todos los interesados en el arte textil.
El Museo Textil Amano, se ubica en la calle Retiro 160 – Miraflores (a una cuadra de Santa Cruz con Angamos Oeste) Lima, el horario de atención es de 10 am a 5 pm en horario corrido, de martes a domingo. El costo de entrada es de 10 dólares por persona.
Visit: Museo Amano

Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipán (Lambayeque, Perú)
Este museo debería constituirse la historia del Antiguo Perú, necesaria para sustentar la identidad de los peruanos de hoy, promover nuestra herencia cultural y convertirse en un centro de interés cultural y turístico que impulse el desarrollo de la región en un Museo-Mausoleo y santuario de nuestra cultura. (El Director)
Visit: www.museotumbasrealessipan.pe

Museum Fünf Kontinente (Museum of Five Continents), formerly Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde (Munich, Germany)
Die Sammlung umfasst mehr als 30.000 Objekte. Schwerpunkte bilden Objekte aus den Kulturen der Azteken und Maya in Mexiko und Guatemala, aus den Kulturen der Inka und ihrer Vorläufer sowie der Kolonialzeit in Peru. Hinzu kommen Alltags- und Ritualgegenstände aus dem brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet.
Visit: no online search feature

Museum of Anthropology, Phoebe A. Hearst, UC-Berkeley (California, USA)
The museum's mission is to collect, preserve, research, and interpret the global record of material culture, so as to promote the understanding of the history and diversity of human cultures. Be sure to check their new research policy before you go.
Visit: http://hearstmuseum.berkeley.edu/

Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) *
Simple and Advanced search results are displayed by scrolling right using arrows as though 'streaming' a video. Unfortunately, if an object is chosen for closer image, the BACK function does not return to that last object; therefore, with a large result one must guess the last place along the streaming of objects. A very worthwhile collection for Andean research.
Visit: collections

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology - University of Cambridge (England) *
Indexing is dependent on a string of letters from exact word to imbedded part of a word. 'Peru' results include 'Perugia', therefore therefore, use 'Peru;' (c300). Double quotes do not help. Use Advanced Search to filter with 'place', etc. Can filter to 'Image available'.
Visit: search

Museum of Art and Archaeology - University of Missouri (Columbia, USA)
We have an over fifty-year tradition of meaningful research and academic endeavors, and as an institution accredited by the American Alliance of Museums we also have a history and an obligation, one we willingly assume, to serve the community of Columbia and the surrounding region. Our move to Ellis Library will not diminish our efforts to maintain existing and build new relationships with members of the public, including area schools and educators, as well as other community institutions.
Visit: collections

Museum of Fine Art (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
Showcasing ancient artistry and modern masterpieces, local legends and global visionaries, our renowned collection of nearly 500,000 works tells the story of the human experience—a story that holds unique meaning for everyone. We welcome diverse perspectives, both within the artwork and among our visitors.
Visit: collections

Museum Rietberg (Zürich, Switzerland) *
The Rietberg Museum is a museum in Zürich, Switzerland, displaying Asian, African, American and Oceanian art. It is the only art museum focusing on non-European art and design in Switzerland, the third-largest museum in Zürich, and the largest to be run by the city itself. Wikipedia
Visit: collection search

Museum zu Allerheiligen (Schaffhausen, Switzerland) *
Have Andean objects but no online searching of the collections.
Visit: website

Nasca Drawings Collection hosted by the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI)
created by Dr. Christiane Clados. Includes over 400 roll out drawings.
Visit: http://www.famsi.org/research/nasca/index.html

Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University (Durham, North Carolina, USA) *
The ancient American holdings of 3,300 objects encompass nearly every culture of pre-Columbian Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina, and represents a wide range of chronological periods, with over a hundred pieces dating as early as the first millennium BCE. Can filter for images only.
Visit: collections

National Anthropological Archives
A list of guides to archived materials available from the Smithsonian Institution. Use global Find feature on your computer to search by keyword.
Visit: http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/guides.htm

National Museum of the American Indian (Washington, D.C., USA)
A diverse and multifaceted cultural and educational enterprise, the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) is an active and visible component of the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum complex. The NMAI cares for one of the world's most expansive collections of Native artifacts, including objects, photographs, archives, and media covering the entire Western Hemisphere, from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego. Provides a direct link to "Andes".
Visit: collections
Visit: Andes

Néprajzi Museum (Budapest, Hungary) *
Since indexing is in Hungarian, best to use general words. A country such as 'Peru' works (c300 though half are modern). Results are HD multiple images and can be displayed in groupings per display such as 1, 10, 100 etc. but there are no directional "next" and "previous" arrows at bottom of page so one must scroll to top to continue.
Visit: Collection of Artifacts

Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
Collections Online provides access to approximately 700,000 object records and over 600,000 associated digital media records. Users can perform a quick search, an advanced search, or browse preselected groups from the Projects and Collections Home page of objects currently exhibited. Users can also create their own accounts that allow them to 'Favorite', manage and store object records for future access and sharing. Please view the About & Rights & Reproduction pages for more information.
Visit: Collections

Peabody Museum at Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
Another great contribution for researchers is the YPM Online Catalog . Of particular interest to Wari scholars is the posting of ceramics from the Wendell Bennett collection. The search can be narrowed to the Bennett Collection by using 'Wari' in the 'Description'. The results can be narrowed by 'pit' number also. To obtain only those entries with attached images, type 'IMAGE' in 'OtherAttributes'. Please note that not every catalog entry is matched one to one with an artifact.
Visit: peabody.yale.edu/collections/search-collections?ant

Penn Museum 'online'- University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Philadelphia, USA)
Now available online. Since its founding in 1887, the Penn Museum has collected around one million objects, many obtained directly through its own field excavations or anthropological research. Search the Penn Museum's digital collections including 329,000 object records representing 665,000 objects with 67,000 images.
Uhle's Pachacamac collection can be accessed by searching "pachacamac".
The University of Pennsylvania Museum was the first institution to take a public stand on the highly controversial subject of cultural heritage policy. On April 1, 1970, the Museum issued what came to be known as the Pennsylvania Declaration, stating that no object would be purchased unless accompanied by a pedigree, including "information about the different owners, place of origin, legality of export, etc."
Visit: Collections

Perú: Ministerio de Cultura - MUSEO en Línea
A través de la Dirección de Gestión, Registro y Catalogación de Bienes Culturales Muebles se gestiona la información documental generada durante el inventario y registro nacional de los bienes culturales muebles, a través de procedimientos estandarizados que brindan la posibilidad de generar estadísticas a nivel institucional y establecer estrategias nacionales para la identificación, difusión y protección del Patrimonio Cultural Mueble de nuestro país.
Visit: Portal to Peruvian Museums

Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology (Berkeley, California, USA)
The Hearst Museum cares for a vast and diverse collection. Enter a few interesting words for places, dates, people, or things in the search box above; select one of the facets on the left to refine your search; or choose a featured collection on the right.
Visit: collections

Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford, England)
Navigating to images is hindered with a search strategy that involves creating a written list of items that have to be opened one at a time rather than a page of images to scroll through. The museum is planning a new interface to its online access in 2023. Images of textiles are very limited.
Visit: search

Pre-Columbian Society of New York (PCSNY)
Formed in 2014, the Pre-Columbian Society of New York (PCSNY) provides a platform for archaeologists, art historians, and other scholars studying ancient American cultures to share their insights and work with fellow academics and professionals in the New York area. Additionally, the PCSNY endeavors to promote an increased awareness of Indigenous cultures among students and those who possess a strong avocational interest in the field.
Visit: About PCSNY

Rafael Larco Herrera Museum, (Lima, Perú)
is by the express desire of his founder (Rafael Larco Hoyle) a non-profit, private institution.
Visit: Catálogo en Línea

Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum (Hildesheim, Germany) *
Mostly dedicated to ancient Egyptian and ancient Peruvian art. NO search collections feature.
Visit: Alt-Peru summary

Royal Museums of Art and History (Brussels, Belgium)
Embark on a fascinating journey through art and history! Come and stroll among the prehistoric flints and Egyptian mummies, walk between the ancient glasses and stand back to contemplate the impressive medieval tapestries. Immerse yourself in the oriental world as you pass Asian Buddhas and travel to the other side of the world to see pre-Columbian statuettes.
Visit: collections

Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto, Canada) *
The Royal Ontario Museum is a museum of art, world culture and natural history in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is one of the largest museums in North America and the largest in Canada. It attracts more than one million visitors every year, making the ROM the most-visited museum in Canada. Wikipedia.
Visit: Online Collections

San Francisco: Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (California, USA)
Comprising the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park and the Legion of Honor in Lincoln Park, we are the largest public arts institution in the City of San Francisco and one of the largest art museums in the United States.
Visit: Collections

Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS)
provides some very old yet insightful imagery of the Andean cultural landscape. The indexing terminology is non-specific and thus a bit frustrating. Try "Search Images" but use general terms such as "Aymara", "La Paz", "Peru ruins", etc.
Visit: http://siris-archives.si.edu

Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz
es un aporte interesante a la comunicación entre arqueólogos y la difusión de lo que hacen.
Visit: http://www.arqueologialapaz.org/

Smithsonian Institution, (Washington, D.C., USA)
James Smithson's Gift: "I then bequeath the whole of my property...to the United States of America, to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an Establishment for the increase & diffusion of knowledge..." James Smithson (1765-1829)
Visit: http://www.si.edu/

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin; Ethnologisches Museum, Museen Dahlem (Berlin, Germany)
With a total of 500,000 objects from throughout the world and large numbers of sound recordings, documentary photographs and films, the Museum of Ethnology ranks among the largest and best of its kind.
Visit: http://www.smb.museum/em
Visit: http://www.smb-digital.de/eMuseumPlus

Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology (Zürich, Switzerland)
Conducting research on the Photogrammetric Reconstruction of the Geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa
Visit: http://www.ethz.ch

Textile Museum of Canada (Toronto, Ontario)
The Textile Museum of Canada is one of Toronto's most engaging visual arts organizations. With more than 12,000 objects from more than 200 countries and regions, the TMC's permanent collection celebrates cultural diversity and includes traditional fabrics, garments, carpets and related artifacts such as beadwork and basketry.
Visit: collections

The Textile Museum - George Washington University Museum: The Textile Museum (Washington, D.C., USA)
Textiles created by South, Central and North American Indigenous groups make up nearly half of The Textile Museum Collection. Among the most notable are eighth- and ninth-century Peruvian tunics and fragments from the Wari Empire, as well as late pre-Hispanic styles from Peru’s north (Chimu), central (Chancay) and south (Ica) coasts. Also represented are 20th-century weavings from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia that continue pre-Hispanic traditions. From Central America, we have textiles from over 50 villages in Guatemala, and a large collection of molas by the Kuna people of Panama. Our small collection from North America includes sarapes, rebozos and village costumes from Mexico, as well as textiles representing Navajo, Pueblo and Tlingit traditions.
Visit: Indigenous American Textiles

Tocapu Drawings Database Project (TDDP)
by Christiane Clados. The main purpose of the database is to provide an online-catalogue of pre-Hispanic Tocapus found so far on artifacts of any material and form. The idea to do an online-catalogue on pre-Hispanic Tocapus was considered as necessary since many current interpretations are based on sometimes unsystematic use of basic types of Tocapus and their variations. An on-line catalogue of artifacts is a dynamic entity, one that can be constantly updated, corrected and added to as new information comes forth. This database should not be considered as finished but still in progress. Remarkably, all drawings are done by the author if not otherwise noted.
Contact: Christiane Clados .
Visit: http://tocapu.org/

University of Seville Library (Spain)
Digital Resources include several historic maps and other data for Andean research.
Visit: http://expobus.us.es

Världskultur Museerna (World Museum) (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Searches one or all four museum collections: Ethnographic, East Asia, Mediterranean, World Culture.
Visit: Collections
Visit: Ethnographic Collections

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, Virginia, USA) *
Spanning approximately 3000 years, VMFA’s Pre-Columbian collection includes over 200 ceramic vessels, textiles, sculptures and metalwork objects from Meso, Central and South America. Slow retrieval. Can filter for images.
Visit: collections

Walters Art Museum (Baltimore, Maryland)
In 1911, Henry Walters purchased almost 100 gold artifacts from the Chiriqui region of western Panama, creating a core collection of ancient American art. Now strengthened by long-term loans and generous gifts from private collectors, the Ancient American collection features exceptional works of art from Central and South America, including masterpieces from the Mesoamerican Olmec, Aztec, and Maya cultures, as well as the Moche and Inca peoples of eastern South America.
Visit: Online Collection

Worcester Art Museum (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA) *
A large and growing selection of objects from the Museum's encyclopedic holdings, from ancient cultures through modern and contemporary art, including many works rarely on view. What is currently represented in our Collection Search is only a fraction of our permanent collection. The output is constantly growing as record files are updated and objects are photographed in order to be ready for public display.
Visit: highlights of 'Ancient Americas' collection (N=10 11/2022)

Wereld Culturen (World Cultures) (Leiden, Netherlands)
Searches all four museums: Tropics (Amsterdam), Afrika (Berg en Dal), Folk Art (Völkerkunde, Leiden), World (Rotterdam). Choose Origin as Amerika and Classification as Archeologica to narrow the search.
Visit: collection - click on US flag for English

Yachay Wasi, Perú
El Perú es un país rico en Patrimonio Cultural. Es tarea impostergable defenderlo, conservarlo y difundirlo. Yachay Wasi ha sido creado con el firme propósito de cumplir con el reto que esta tarea supone.
Visit: http://www.yachaywasi.org/

Yale Peabody Museum (New Haven, Connecticut, USA)
Welcome to the Yale Peabody Museum collections! This is the home for over 14 million specimens and objects from 10 curated collections that tell the story of our Earth, its life, history, and cultures.
The Division of Anthropology curated archaeological material and associated documents and photographs from the rediscovery of Peru’s Machu Picchu and the Yale–Peruvian Scientific Expeditions of 1911 and 1912 until they were returned to Peru in 2011 and 2012 under a cooperative agreement with the Peruvian government and the National University of Saint Anthony the Abad in Cuzco, Peru. Those collections are now curated at Casa Concha in the Machu Picchu Museum in Cuzco. The anthropology holdings also contain other South American archaeological materials, particularly Huari material from Peru and other collections from Columbia and Ecuador.
Visit: collections

Auction Houses, Galleries and Pinterest

- Save the imagery before it is lost. WARNING: Lots of fakes.
Visit: Best to filter by cultures.

Visit: Choose Art of ...

Once account is set, then receive daily emails of other members' collections (boards).
Visit: website

Last Updated: April 24, 2023 Contact: Dr. Patricia Knobloch, huarpa@cox.net