What is a Quipu?
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Language Tools

Spanish Language
General Tools
Quechua Language
General Tools
Aymara Language

Portuguese Language

Spanish Language

Thanks go to Erika Esquivel, the Spanish and Portuguese Language & Literature Librarian at San Diego State University, for researching and making available excellent language tools listed on this page. See her Web page for additional resources.

General Tools

Learn Spanish
Online tutorial for grammar, verbs, and vocabulary, using exercises and games. Includes useful travel phrases and cultural tips.


Ediciones Rafael Valdez
offers professional publishing services for academic, literary, and scholastic projects. Our products include fiction, non-fiction, and coffee table books, reports, catalogues, theses, magazines, and articles, among others. [brinda servicios de edición para proyectos editoriales de carácter académico, literario y escolar. La gama de los productos a los que se dirige nuestro trabajo comprende libros, informes, libros de mesa, catálogos, tesis, revistas, artículos, informes, entre otros.]

Free Translation
is an easy-to-use site for rapid translations where you can get the "gist" of foreign language text and Web pages."

Span¡shD!ct - Spanish Learning Made Easy
Type in Spanish or English text and get instant translation. Web pages can also be translated.

Vox en Línea
From Spain, this one box, one click access to translation of words is based on the authoritative Advanced English Dictionary Vox-Longman English-Spanish/Español-Inglés.

Westwood Press
is an independent publishing house headquartered in Portland, Oregon. Anthropologists by training, university teachers by trade, editors by choice, and students by nature, we seek works that draw from the humanities and social sciences (non-fiction or fiction). We also specialize in professional/academic translation and editing in Spanish and English for publication.

Quechua Language

General Tools

Cultures of the Andes: Quechua, native Language--Lenguaje Indigena
This Web site includes basic Quechua lessons in English and Spanish and help with pronunciation.

Fun facts to know and tell about Quechua
A basic introduction to the Quechua language, including a bit about the grammar, the pronunciation, and the vocabulary, as well as usage.

Quechua Language Homepage
The Web site provides information about the Quechua language and several brief lessons.


Quechua Translations
Free Online Dictionary Translator.

Aymara Language

Aymara Uta
A general online guide, in English and Spanish, to the Aymara language, including information on grammar and vocabulary and translation from both English and Spanish to and from Aymara.

Portuguese Language

English to Portuguese Dictionary
This Web site provides a basic English-Portuguese translator. Google for other translators and dictionaries.
DeepL Translator

Last Updated: April 24, 2023 Contact: Dr. Patricia Knobloch, huarpa@cox.net