What is a Quipu? Field Schools
Google Search within Quipu (examples):
andean site:quipu.sdsu.edu
"museo de" site:quipu.sdsu.edu
News Opportunities Academe Language Tools Web Resources Country Profiles
General News Resources
Blogs, YouTube, Lists

General News Resources

American Anthropological Association: Meeting Calendar
Visit: http://www.aaanet.org/press/index.htm

Ancient Andean News
created by Mike Ruggeri to assist Andeanists in locating web sites by indexing various ancient cultures. Now available on four platforms of access:
Contact: Mike Ruggeri .
Visit: Mike Ruggeri's MesoAmerica and Ancient Americas Web Pages

Notices on conferences, publications, deaths, field schools, requests for information, etc. Traffic varies from 5 to 30 messages a month, but is not a discussion list. To join the list or to request that an announcement be distributed, write to Dan Sandweiss at:
Contact: dan_sandweiss@umit.maine.edu
List is not shared, and one can be removed upon request to Dan.

Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) Lecture Program
Visit: Sept to May - check monthly topics

Congresos y Jornadas from NAyA. May have ended after 2018.
Visit: https://www.equiponaya.com.ar/eventos/

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Museum events and lectures. Visit: https://www.doaks.org/events

Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley, CA

Ministerio de Cultura, Peru
provides a complete listing of archaeological events, conferences, workshops, informal talks and museum exhibits (both temporary and permanent) that can be referenced on a monthly basis. An excellent resource for keeping informed of ongoing Andean programs
Visit: https://www.gob.pe/cultura

Viernes Arqueológicos del MAA
El Centro Cultural de San Marcos a través del Museo de Arqueología y Antropología de la UNMSM, presenta el ciclo de conferencias denominado “Viernes Arqueológicos del MAA”, actividad que busca generar la interacción entre los especialistas y participantes para generar una red de profesionales interesados en las diferentes temáticas expuestas.
Visit: ciclo de conferencias

Pre-Columbian Society of Washington DC Annual Symposiums
Visit: http://www.pcswdc.org/

Smithsonian: Lectures & Seminars
on the SI's Events Page, under 'SEARCH BY CATEGORIES', chose 'Lectures and Discussions'. Their calendar includes all events and activities in the D.C. and New York City areas and allows you to set up email reminders.
Visit: http://www.si.edu/Events

Society for Amazonian and Andean Studies (SAAS) Biennial Conference (2024, 2026, etc. Google for announcements)

General News Resources
Blogs, YouTube, Lists

Blogs, YouTube and Lists

Begin Blogs
try using Google's free Blogger site.
Visit: Blogger

Biblioteca virtual Chavín de Huántar (no updates after 2016)
Created by: Marcela Olivas Weston y Fernando LAMAS
Visit: Biblioteca virtual Chavín de Huántar

Blog general por Guido Mendoza Fantinato (began abril de 2011)
Created by: Guido Mendoza Fantinato
Visit: http://www.guidomendozafantinato.com/

Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz
es un aporte interesante a la comunicación entre arqueólogos y la difusión de lo que hacen.
Visit: https://notisalp.blogspot.com/

General News Resources
Blogs, YouTube, Lists


Andean Air Mail & Peruvian Times
is back and online after a 10-year hiatus, and is being re-launched as a Web-based multimedia magazine, covering news and features on Peru. The new publication, with Eleanor Griffis as the publisher, builds on a nearly 100-year tradition of excellence in English-language journalism carried on by three generations of the Griffis family, which published the West Coast Leader and the old Andean Air Mail & Peruvian Times newspapers, and later the Lima Times magazine and the Andean Report newsletter.

El Comercio, Perú

Visit: https://elcomercio.pe/


Visit: https://www.biobiochile.cl/

El Diario, Boliva

Visit: http://www.eldiario.net/

Los Tiempos, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Visit: http://www.lostiempos.com/

El Chileno, Chile

Visit: http://www.elchileno.cl/

ALL - Argentina

Visit: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/argentin.htm

ALL- Bolivia

Visit: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/bolivia.htm

ALL - Chile

Visit: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/chile.htm

ALL - Colombia

Visit: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/colombia.htm

ALL - Ecuador

Visit: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/ecuador.htm

ALL - Peru

Visit: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/peru.htm

ALL - Brazil

Visit: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/brazil.htm

General News Resources
Blogs, YouTube, Lists


Radio Programas del Perú

Visit: http://www.rpp.com.pe/

ALL - Argentina

Visit: http://radiostationworld.com/locations/argentina/radio_websites.asp

ALL - Bolivia

Visit: http://radiostationworld.com/Locations/Bolivia/radio_websites.asp

ALL - Chile

Visit: http://radiostationworld.com/Locations/Chile/radio_websites.asp

ALL - Colombia

Visit: http://radiostationworld.com/Locations/Colombia/

ALL - Ecuador

Visit: http://radiostationworld.com/Locations/Ecuador/radio_websites.asp

ALL - Peru

Visit: http://radiostationworld.com/locations/peru/radio_websites.asp

Last Updated: April 24, 2023 Contact: Dr. Patricia Knobloch, huarpa@cox.net